Serving with a smile: Bradley's volunteer journey

Bradley is easy to spot working in the kitchen. With his tall stature, white ponytail, and all denim uniform, he stands out as he is filling up cups with jam. More than that, Bradley stands out because of his dedication to volunteering.

At the age of 16, Bradley remembers leaving home and trying to find his own way. He relied on the kindness of strangers to help him, even hitchhiking around Canada to get to BC.

“And then I figured, since I’m retired, maybe I can give back to the community now,” says Bradley.

Bradley moved to Medicine Hat 3 years ago to be closer to his sister and when he asked her where he should volunteer, she told him about The Mustard Seed.

Bradley has now been volunteering in the kitchen since January and appreciates coming by to help others.

“It feels good to be helping people out,” says Bradley.

“And it gets me out of the house. I like getting to meet new people.”

As Bradley continues to fill cups with jam for breakfast the next day, he comments how much volunteering has helped him as someone that is relatively new to the city.

“Actually, they do they do more good for me than I do for them.”

“But don’t tell them I said that,” says Bradley with a smile and a wink.

If you are interested in volunteering like Bradley, head to the link here and sign up today!