Cooking with The Mustard Seed

We know that grocery prices have sky rocketed as we are in the midst of an affordability crisis in Canada. To help with this, we have asked our Mustard Seed chefs to put together some simple recipes that use inexpensive ingredients and will fill up your family!

You can find these ingredients at your local grocery store, or click here to find them online.

Shepherd's Pie

Makes 4 servings - approx. $25.80 for all ingredients


2 lb ground beef

6 potatoes

1 cup of green peas

1 cup of chopped onion

2 284ml cans mushroom soup or creamed soup desired


1. Brown ground beef

2. Boil potatoes mashing as end result

3. Thaw peas under warm tap water in colander

4. Layer bottom of 10x12 roaster with ground beef then add chopped onion and thawed peas on top of ground beef.

5. Top with smoothing out mashed potatoes, add 2 cans of mushroom soup to garnish on top of potatoes.

6. Bake 350 degrees for 1 hour.

7. Enjoy!

Hamburger, Mushroom Casserole

Makes 4 servings - approx. $21 for all ingredients


2- lb ground beef

1- 400g package of desired noodles

2- 284ml cans of mushroom soup


1. Brown ground beef

2. Boil noodles to al dente consistency

3. Combine all ingredients simmer on low for 15 mins, serve.

4. Enjoy!

Tuna Casserole

Makes 4 servings - approx. $15.80 for all ingredients


2 cans tuna

1 cup of green peas

1 400g package of egg noodles

2 284ml cans mushroom soup


1. Boil noodles to temp. cooked fully

2. Drain tuna, squeezing out excess liquid

3. Thaw peas under warm water in colander

4. Combine tuna, peas, cooked noodles and mushroom soup

5. Simmer on low heat in cooking pot for 15 mins.

6. Enjoy.

Weeknight Pasta

Makes 4 servings - approx. $9.00 for all ingredients


454g of cherry tomatoes

1 small onion

1 clove of garlic

One carrot or handful of baby carrots

2 tsp of oil(olive oil, veg oil, ghee)

1 package of pasta



1 small pot

1 large saucepan


1. Dice onions.

2. Slice carrots with angular cuts.

3. Slice garlic into thin slices.

4. Add oil to saucepan and warm to medium high heat.

5. Add onions, 1 pinch of salt & stir periodically for 5 minutes. Add carrot, garlic and 1 cup of water and reduce heat to medium until the water is almost completely evaporated from pan. Add 1 more cup of water to pan if carrots are still too firm and keep stirring until the water is almost gone.

6. Add pasta to your pot and fill with enough water to covers your pasta. Add 1/2 tsp of salt and bring to a boil on medium high heat.

7. Add cherry tomatoes and 1 pinch of salt to saucepan and increase to medium high heat and keep stirring pan as the heat causes the tomatoes to burst. When most of the tomatoes have burst, reduce heat to medium low and keep stirring.

8. Once pasta comes to a boil, reduce heat to medium low and let the pasta simmer. Use a fork and bite into the pasta to test for your desired pasta doneness(some people like it firm, others like it softer, it's up to you!). Can take up to 8-10 minutes.

9. When your pasta is almost at your preferred doneness, add your pasta and 1/2 cup of the pasta water into your saucepan and keep stirring the pasta and your cherry tomato sauce so that they begin to hug. Stir for about 3-5 minutes or until the sauce is thick enough to your liking. Add a pinch of pepper to your desired taste.

10. Plate your food and enjoy!