The Gift of Water for Medicine Hat

Naser first heard about the Mustard Seed through his local newspaper and as he started to create social media platforms for his pharmaceutical business, he began to follow the Mustard Seed’s social media platforms to stay informed and connected with the organization.

When he saw the call-out for water bottle donations to prepare for the impending heat wave that our vulnerable community would be facing, Naser took action!

“Water is a free commodity for anyone at anytime; the best donation to give is offering water,” says Naser. “Our success as a business comes from the community supporting us therefore; paying it forward was a no-brainer.”

Naser believes if individuals and communities were able to give what they could, big or small it would truly make an impact and his advice to potential donors interested in donating to The Mustard Seed would be to act.

“Don’t think about it twice…just do it.” It doesn’t matter if it is tiny or seems very insignificant.” He says.

On behalf of The Mustard Seed, we thank Naser and his team for giving back to our community. To all our volunteers and donors, we are so grateful you choose to help those most vulnerable.

To donate and contribute to our most urgently needed items, click HERE