Wellness Centre Seeks to Improve the Wellbeing of Calgary’s Most Vulnerable

On November 18, The Mustard Seed celebrated the opening of the Wellness Centre.

The opening marks more than a year of hard work by Mustard Seed staff who wanted to create a better environment for people seeking health and wellness services.

Before the soft launch of the Wellness Centre in September, we were unable to provide adequate space for counselling and adequate equipment for doctors. In the new space, there are offices, meeting rooms, a doctor’s office and an examination room.

“A place of respect and honour for those who come through our doors – that is what The Wellness Centre is,” says Boris Lesar, Clinical Director of the Wellness Centre.

Poor health is often a significant obstacle for people who are transitioning out of homelessness and working to achieve stable housing. The Wellness Centre aims to target and ultimately remove this barrier by making physical and mental healthcare services more easily accessible to people who are experiencing poverty and homelessness, and providing a holistic model of care.

In the first month of operating, 1379 services were provided at the Wellness Centre, outdoing the target of 450 by more than 300 per cent.

“It’s not just the services. They treat you like a person here,” says Les, 1010 Centre Resident and Wellness Centre client.

The Wellness Centre was made possible by a generous gift from an anonymous donor who contributed $400,000 through the Calgary Foundation. Farnum Construction Management who renovated the space went above and beyond, while RGO donated a lot of the furniture.

The services are run by staff with key support from other community organizations like CUPs, Calgary Legal Guidance and CMHA, skilled volunteers and practicum students.

“The Wellness Centre is what happens when a community works together,” says Steve Wile, CEO.

The Mustard Seed’s mission is to bring hope and wellbeing to our most vulnerable citizens through Jesus’ love, and as we move forward, we see The Wellness Centre is an integral part of fulfilling that mission.